Tuesday, March 08, 2011


The impending OfSTED visit means Babs is having to put a few extra hours in at work.

As a result, 'The Lads' were trusted to do the weekly shopping. With races down the aisles, competitions who could put things in the trolley the fastest and lots of generally boisterous behaviour, it wasn't long before everyone in Sainsburys knew who we were!

Samuel was a great help, and as you can see, enjoyed riding on the trolley too!

This image is a quick snapshot from my phone.

In other news, we've just had pancakes (pancake Tuesday).

Must dash, as Babs needs the computer and I want to try and post this before midnight!

As a side note, todays title is also 80's song related - a classic by the Pet Shop Boys! (Yesterday's could also have been an 80's song - Seconds by U2).

Righty, enough music trivia ... bedtime for me, while Babs burns the midnight oil ....

Hang in pet x

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