Monday, March 21, 2011

The chase is on.

I have been cast back in a timewarp.

On Saturday, I informed you of a bargain we had picked up. It was a Micro Scalextric set reduced from £80 to £20 - and let's be honest, every young lad (and his Dad) need one!

Building it, I was cast back many years ago .....Dad making the track, Samuel (or I) itching to put the cars on and get playing with it, as quickly as possible. Dad then reminds son of the need to 'squeeze softly' on the trigger as the cars zoom off the end of the track on the corners!

The frustration when the metal bits go fuzzy and don't connect properly! Or the annoyance when the car comes off the track at the opposite end of the room to where you're sitting. But it is a great game, honest!

All the memories revived. But, like riding a bike, it soon came back to me!

Ironically, Babs has just came in and reported seeing a car chase! I can hear the police helicopter up in the sky now.

After yesterdays blog, Peter was returned to my neighbours house (alive!).

My eyes feel very tired tonight, so I think I will get myself to bed.


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