Saturday, March 05, 2011

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls.

That's what TLC advised us not to do in their 1995 single.

It's also exactly what I HAVE done today.

An early start saw me arriving at my mate Trev's house, only to find him still asleep, despite the alarm call an hour earlier!

From then on, we followed a dodgy map and a brief description of whereabouts, until we arrived at our final destination - Tigers Clough Waterfall in Rivington.

Trev, his mate Pete and myself then enjoyed a thoroughly good few hours taking photos and discussing exposures. Actually, it's probably best for me to say Pete and I enjoyed taking photos, whilst Trev stood on the banks of the river, throwing stones, eating biscuits and moaning that he wanted a cup of coffee - it was like having a 5 year old with us!!

I have included my favourite shot of the day (which incidentally was also the first shot I took). Trev and Pete also took some great images - so I am looking forward to seeing them soon.

For now though, the rest of the weekend involves housework - and meeting Trev for that longed-after coffee in a few hours.

Enjoy the view - we did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shot boss,