Monday, March 28, 2011

I can see clearly now ....

When I got up this morning, I could not see the top of this tree.

This was due to a thick fog - which funnily enough reflected my mood. It was Monday morning. We had had little sleep, the weather was awful and I wasn't particularly looking forward for what I know will be a mad week at work.

So up I got, feeling altogether fairly miserable.

The only plus side to the fog was the fact that the car looked good with the front fog lights blazing.

But, the sun did it's trick - the fog soon burnt off, and with the appearance of blue skies and sunlight, my mood lifted massively. I was my usual happy self once more! I am ready for the challenges that lie ahead.

It's still gonna be a mega busy week though - so no apologies for the poor photo or brief writing.

PS - there was no fog on the Tyne this morning - I asked my parents, who had spent the night in the Hilton on the quayside!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Long & Winding Road.

Things to do today ...
  • Lots of work.
  • Have another party at Granny's for Samuel.
The partying part is fine, it's easily done.

Getting motivated for my work isn't!

If you've ever walked up a big hill or a mountain, you'll know the feeling - thinking you're at the top, only to realise there's still a long way to go. Today has been like this. I have had to pace myself, like the long distance runner that I used to be, taking it in stints to ensure that I reach the finish line in time!

The image was taken on a 10minute walk to get some fresh air and get me away from the books.

Anyway, the other part, the party, is going well - which means it must be time for some birthday cake!

On the home straight now!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let them eat cake!

A busy day today.

We had another party to attend!

The week of celebrating Samuel's birthday continued, with a visit to Grandma & Grandad's house for another party.

Samuel was lucky enough to receive some lovely presents, as well as enjoying lots of yummy chocolate cake.

He then decided to do some somersaults down the stairs - but luckily without injury.

Another party is planned for tomorrow at Granny & Grandad's.

It's non-stop party action!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Just walk on by.

Don't really have the time or the inclination to write much today.

Here's a picture of Samuel playing with those cool machines that measure your feet!

Buying new shoes...

I'll hopefully have more to say at the weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is there a time ?

I am currently listening to Bono (U2) perform his version of Miss Sarajevo (2005 - Live From Milan, if you're interested).

A moving tune, which contains the lyrics "Is there a time..."

Which ties in with tonight's post.

Last night I talked about waiting for the right time. Tonight I ask, is there ever a right time for things to go wrong?

Allow me to explain in more detail.

0727 on a week day morning is not a good time in our house. It's a busy time that normally involves Babs and I running around with bits of toast in one hand, and a shirt that needs ironing in another. Showers are timed to perfection - one out, one in - and getting Samuel ready is done with military precision - pants, t shirt, jeans, sock, shoes, wash, teeth .....

It is definitely NOT the time you want to hear your wife asking you to come downstairs "QUICKLY!". Nor is it the time you want to hear the sound of tap-tap-tap as water drips from your dining room ceiling.

But that's what happened this morning in our house!

(Ironically as I wrote that last paragraph, the music had changed to Stone Roses - Waterfall!).

Just what's needed. A big week at work, a weekend of partying, and no time to be phoning builders / plumbers / people who fix wet ceilings and leaking things!

So I ask you, is there ever a 'right' time for things to go wrong ?

As it happens, it doesn't look like too much of an issue, just a new seal around the bath (we hope).

Other than that, the day has been sunny and busy.

Although my car CD player did act itself on the way home from work, but that seems to have sorted itself out now.

As Bono said ..... "Dici che il fiume, Trova la via al mare" (You say that the river, finds the way to the sea) ........ yeah, through my dining room by the looks of it!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Red Man.

Teaching children to cross the road is vital. It's a skill they need to know, and as early as possible.

As a driver and a parent, I fully appreciate road safety.

But is it all about crossing roads?

Allow me to put a different slant on it. Crossing roads. You wait until a specific time, check that the risks are minimised, then go for it.

Isn't this a skill that we need to acquire every day? Good manners - you wait until people have stopped speaking, and then join in. Family life - wait until the time is right for marriage, kids, etc. Career - job changes, decisions - you often wait until the time is right, and (in the majority of cases), the risks are minimised.

And that brings me to my next point.

In the last few minutes, I have just heard from a good friend of mine. He and his family (wife and 2 young boys) have been given the opportunity to go and live and work in California. It could be permanent, but could also be done for the short term.

So he has decisions to make. Is the green man showing? Has the traffic stopped? Is the time right to make the jump and cross the Atlantic rather than the road?

Who knows.

At least he has the opportunity for a 'trial run' before making any big decisions.

I wish him all the best, should they go, and hope it all works out for the family. I have already offered to carry bags, assist with the moving process ;-)

And finally, why did the chicken cross the road ?

Maybe it was because the time was right?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This party's swinging!

This time 3 years ago I was on the delivery suite of a maternity ward.

I had been awake for nearly 48hours, had adrenaline pumping through me like a junkie, and had tears in my eyes.

I had just become a father.

Three years on and Samuel is begging me to push him higher on the swings! We've been awake since 0540 as 'It's sunny and it's my birthday!'.

We've had a great time celebrating Samuel's birthday - although a punctured tyre in Babs' car meant our arrangements didn't go 'exactly' to plan. Nevertheless, we have all had a lovely time - and most of all, Samuel has had fun.

Happy Birthday Son - we love you always. x

Monday, March 21, 2011

The chase is on.

I have been cast back in a timewarp.

On Saturday, I informed you of a bargain we had picked up. It was a Micro Scalextric set reduced from £80 to £20 - and let's be honest, every young lad (and his Dad) need one!

Building it, I was cast back many years ago .....Dad making the track, Samuel (or I) itching to put the cars on and get playing with it, as quickly as possible. Dad then reminds son of the need to 'squeeze softly' on the trigger as the cars zoom off the end of the track on the corners!

The frustration when the metal bits go fuzzy and don't connect properly! Or the annoyance when the car comes off the track at the opposite end of the room to where you're sitting. But it is a great game, honest!

All the memories revived. But, like riding a bike, it soon came back to me!

Ironically, Babs has just came in and reported seeing a car chase! I can hear the police helicopter up in the sky now.

After yesterdays blog, Peter was returned to my neighbours house (alive!).

My eyes feel very tired tonight, so I think I will get myself to bed.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's Party Time!

We do nothing by halves in our house!

Today was the start of a week of parties to celebrate Samuel's birthday.

As I wrote this time last week, the house now seems eerily quiet. The 9 children and 11 adults that were crammed into our humble abode have long since left - leaving only the tidying and washing up along with lots of lovely presents for Samuel.

You will notice from the picture above, the strange birthday cake for one so young. Faced with a choice of Toy Story, Bob The Builder, Thomas The Tank Engine and Spongebob Squarepants birthday cake, our son decided to opt for The Stig from Top Gear - quality.

Again, I end the weekend very happy - it's been a lovely time, spending time with friends and family - only complaint is that it's been too short! Looking forward to the week ahead partying.

On a side note, the moon once again looks lovely tonight - but I'm too worn out and all settled to be bothered to go out and photograph it!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Easy Tiger!

You all know how much I love my weekends, and today has been no different.

A very busy day started with Samuel and I visiting our local fire station, as they were doing a charity car wash. Although Samuel enjoyed watching the hose pipes and looking at the fire engine, he was reluctant to sit in the driver's seat - despite a bit of persuasion from me.

Afterwards the weekend nearly ended for us.

Some joker decided to turn right without looking. Straight across our path! Luckily, the brakes on the new car are very good, as are my reactions - so we were all okay!!!
We then decided to have a trip to the zoo and had a great day out. I always enjoy trips to zoos and could spend hours looking (and photographing) the animals.

After visiting the zoo shop (compulsory on these occasions), we managed to pick up a bargain - but more on that shall be revealed in the week!

It was also a 'supermoon' tonight. The closest the moon has come to the Earth in the past 18years. I did take some moon photos, but they were not as good as those I took the other week - so I have scrapped them.

Also, a potential scare with Peter the fish this evening - he seemed very lifeless. I have now cleaned his tank out and given him some food - he seems happier, but I'm monitoring him!

It's been all about the animals !

Friday, March 18, 2011

Perky In The Park-y.

Aren't Fridays great?

Nothing better than finishing work for the week and knowing you have 2 days to relax!

Actually there is.

Finishing work for the week, knowing you have 2 days to relax AND coming out of work into blazing sunshine and clear blue skies!

This is how it was today. Stepping out into a lovely day. A quick phone call later and with plans made, we were en route to the park. Us being us however, meant we had to go for a coffee first - meaning by the time we got to the park, the sun was beginning to go down, and the warmth was going with it!

As you can tell by Samuel's face, he was more concerned about getting home, warming up and building a train track!

Sometimes I feel sorry for Samuel. Here he is, cold and tired after running for miles up and down hills. All he wanted was a big cuddle, and to get warm. Instead, his Daddy's photographic eye has identified "lovely colours in the sky", so Samuel is forced to wait another five mins whilst Daddy tries to capture a good pose!

Before you get too concerned though, Samuel is now nicely warmed up (Babs has the central heating on full I think), and is diving around the settee relaying every second of Lightning McQueen's race (Disney - Cars Movie) to me!

So all is good and now I'm off to give him that cuddle and make a start on my relaxing!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day !

Again, I am showing my age.

In year's gone by, I'd be out now. Drinking Guinness and probably wearing some daft hat or shamrock related article. Instead, I've just got in from my photo society meeting! Oh how times change.

So, today is St. Patrick's Day. Samuel has celebrated at nursery by wearing green today and also by making this leprechaun. I did ask Samuel if the leprechaun had a name, but Samuel was in a grump mood and replied "He is called nobody!". We're also all still looking for the end of the rainbow!

Considering there is only an hour of St. Patrick's Day left, I have not even had a tipple yet - although I did celebrate slightly early yesterday, when my boss made me a delightful Irish Coffee !

The other good news of the day is that newly named fish, Peter, is still alive and swimming! Always a worry when you're looking after someone else's pet. Peter seems quite content bobbing along in the water watching the world go by.

And that my friends, is it for tonight. Not too much to say, but lots of work to do!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Apparently a fish only has a 2 second memory.

This (as promised) is our newest resident. We are looking after it for our neighbours whilst they are away.

Apparently a fish only has a 2 second memory.

As far as we know, the fish has no name - so Samuel has named it Peter!

Apparently a fish only has a 2 second memory.

What was I talking about ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This isn't a rant about the price of fuel. Although at £1.37.9 for a litre of diesel it should be!

We have been out for our own fuel this evening. Had a lovely meal (mixed grill) at the local pub, followed by a nice coffee.

We also have a new (albeit temporary) resident at our house - but more on that to come tomorrow.

Speaking of fuel, now would be an appropriate time to give mention to the tragedies in Japan - the huge earthquake, devastating tsunami and now the threat of radiation and nuclear meltdown from the nuclear power station.

And here's us moaning about the price of filling up our cars ?

Monday, March 14, 2011

So, what's a Zho ?

Zho - n Tibetan breed of cattle, developed by crossing the yak with common cattle.

A handy word to know when you're playing Scrabble. Played correctly, on a triple word score, it can give you a minimum score of 45 points!

I do enjoy a game of Scrabble. It's been a while since I played, but managed to squeeze a game in with my dad this weekend (once the kids were in bed obviously!). I find Scrabble focuses the mind, whilst challenging you. I also find it a very relaxing game - although not all the time as I frequently have people arguing with me when I play words like 'zho' !

The funny thing is, I would not describe myself as a 'word man'. As you can see from my blog, I'm happy to ramble on, and, if you've ever met me, you'll know I can talk, but I would still class myself as more of a science / maths type person than a word person. Weird.

This blog is a little bit like Scrabble for me. It's focusing my mind, photography wise. It is also proving a challenge at times - thinking of new ideas, or taking photos indoors when you don't get home until after dark. But it also relaxes me and gives me some goals to achieve!

So, as much as I'd like to offer more words, I imagine Babs may give me a few if I don't crack on and stick the dishwasher on, or tidy the LEGO off our living room floor, and for that reason I'm off.

Oh, and if you ever fancy a game of Scrabble, let me know .....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Anth, I am your father!

This (the one on the left), is my Dad. The one on the right you should know by now.

The 2 snapshots you see here basically depict today - FUN !

A busy morning swimming was followed with some serious train track building, ten pin bowling and the some Soft Play.

Parents, cousins, nephews and grandparents have left now, and the house seems very quiet.

A top weekend had by all.

Hope yours was as good!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

God Help Us!

Samuel's big cousin, Christopher has arrived!

As a result, I now have a 2 year old and a 5 year old running riot in my house - fun times!

Had a lovely day out with the family. We went on the Big Wheel in Manchester before having a nice walk around town and taking in the sights - including the cathedral (pictured above).

Finished the day with a nice big Pizza and a good play - which 'the boys' are still having!

Time to sign off ...... surely it's bedtime ?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Splodge !

Am I getting old ?

10pm on a Friday night.

Back in the day, at this time on a Friday, you'd find me reaching for some lasers on a dance floor, or supping a chilled pint in a darkened corner.

Tonight I'm fiddling with a tripod whilst looking for a straw to drop food colouring* into water ! And loving it too!

The last image of the working week - and definitely an image I feel I will be doing more experimenting with.

No profound words of wisdom tonight. I have a kitchen to clean! Parents and nephew are expected here in under 12 hours - and (as always) there's sorting to be done.

I will leave you with your own thoughts ... what does this image remind you of? To me, it's an upside down Portuguese Man O'War !


* I would like to give special thanks to my neighbours, Matt & Caroline for the use of their food colouring - all we had in was Vanilla Essence! Cheers !

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Giant Steps Are What You Take ....

Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don't break
Walking on the moon
We could walk for ever
Walking on the moon
We could be together
Walking on, walking on the moon

Sting and the Police sang that in their classic song, Walking On The Moon. (We're back to the music again!).

That song has always been a favourite of mine, I first heard it when my Grandma sang it whilst listening to a Hits Of The 70's album on vinyl ! I must've been about 7 or 8 years old and we sang it together!

Several years ago, when Babs was pregnant with Samuel, we were fortunate enough to see The Police in Fenway Park, Boston, After securing some tickets from a tout, we walked into the stadium just as Walking On The Moon was beginning. As the classic dum-de-dum, dum-de-dum chords were struck, the hairs on my neck literally stood up, I was a happy man!

Anyway, I digress. Tonight's image was not originally going to be of the moon. I have been racking my brain all day and had a few ideas - even to the point of borrowing some food colouring from my neighbour! Alas, as those of you who have been following this blog will know, Thursday night is my photography club night (I'm now a fully paid up member by the way!).

So, whilst driving home afterwards tonight, I looked up into the sky to see a clear sky and a nice bright moon - I knew this was the shot.

It also got me thinking about the Giant Steps .... and how people do take giant steps everyday. Speaking to my nephew earlier today, he is learning to add numbers together that make 10, a giant step in his development. Babs's OfSTED, "good with outstanding features" is a giant step in her career (and mean's she's safe from them for at least another 3 years!). My commencing of the blog and photography club has been a giant step towards relighting my interest in photography. Every day, all over the world, people taking one small step for themselves, and one giant step for mankind.

As for the hoping my legs don't break part of the lyrics, see yesterday's post about the slip in the shower !

Walking on, walking on the moon.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Apple Experiment.

Having just taken delivery of my latest piece of camera equipment, an off camera flash lead, I thought I'd have a little play around with it.

Speaking of deliveries, do you get anxious when waiting for parcels to arrive? It drives me mad, waiting and knowing that the second you disappear, is the EXACT moment they will choose to deliver it. As a result of this curse, I have 2 parcels I need to go and collect from depots this week.

This shot is just one of many 'experiments' of me messing about with the flash. Technically, it's nothing special - blown highlights, etc. But it's all part of my experimental learning journey that this blog is taking me on !

Potentially you could have had a shot of yours truly on crutches today, following a very near miss in a slippery shower this morning - better to stick with the apple me thinks!

Doing well tonight. A late blog update admittedly, but it's 10:31pm and I'm off to bed!

From Babs's point of view, only one more day of OfSTED to go !

Night all.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


The impending OfSTED visit means Babs is having to put a few extra hours in at work.

As a result, 'The Lads' were trusted to do the weekly shopping. With races down the aisles, competitions who could put things in the trolley the fastest and lots of generally boisterous behaviour, it wasn't long before everyone in Sainsburys knew who we were!

Samuel was a great help, and as you can see, enjoyed riding on the trolley too!

This image is a quick snapshot from my phone.

In other news, we've just had pancakes (pancake Tuesday).

Must dash, as Babs needs the computer and I want to try and post this before midnight!

As a side note, todays title is also 80's song related - a classic by the Pet Shop Boys! (Yesterday's could also have been an 80's song - Seconds by U2).

Righty, enough music trivia ... bedtime for me, while Babs burns the midnight oil ....

Hang in pet x

Monday, March 07, 2011


This post is 'Seconds' in so many ways.

1. It is the second time I have taken a photo like this - the first one was better as I used a better camera and a better watch.

2. It depicts seconds passing you by.

3. It took me seconds to set it up and take it - still a busy man!

In other news today, Babs found out she has the dreaded OfSTED coming in on Wednesday.

Watch this space towards the back end of the week, once they've gone, for lots of happy, relieved shots!

TIME to go. Keep WATCHing !

Sunday, March 06, 2011


Another busy day for us.

With Babs being in bed feeling very rough, it was down to Samuel and I to do the chores that needed doing.

First up was washing the car. Samuel enjoyed using the jet wash to spray the car, although his shoes seemed to get covered in more water than anything else!

From then on, there was gardening to do.

Luckily, like all good workers, we managed our time beautifully to allow plenty of time for a play once we had finished.

I am now currently educating Samuel in the ways of Star Wars (Empire Strikes Back - Luke and R2D2 have just met Yoda.).

Does it get any better ?

Let's hope Babs does !

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls.

That's what TLC advised us not to do in their 1995 single.

It's also exactly what I HAVE done today.

An early start saw me arriving at my mate Trev's house, only to find him still asleep, despite the alarm call an hour earlier!

From then on, we followed a dodgy map and a brief description of whereabouts, until we arrived at our final destination - Tigers Clough Waterfall in Rivington.

Trev, his mate Pete and myself then enjoyed a thoroughly good few hours taking photos and discussing exposures. Actually, it's probably best for me to say Pete and I enjoyed taking photos, whilst Trev stood on the banks of the river, throwing stones, eating biscuits and moaning that he wanted a cup of coffee - it was like having a 5 year old with us!!

I have included my favourite shot of the day (which incidentally was also the first shot I took). Trev and Pete also took some great images - so I am looking forward to seeing them soon.

For now though, the rest of the weekend involves housework - and meeting Trev for that longed-after coffee in a few hours.

Enjoy the view - we did!

Friday, March 04, 2011

From Small Acorns, Mighty Oak Trees Grow.

This is Samuel's sunflower. He planted it last week at nursery and has been eagerly watching it's growth.

Every day we have to water it and check to see if it has "started growing". Samuel is fascinated by the fact that this small thing can grow to be 'even bigger than Daddy' (and I'm 6'2" !).

Which brings me to the title of today's blog. In the same way Samuel is fascinated by the growing of the seed, my wife (Babs) and I are fascinated by his growth and development.

On an almost daily basis, he continues to amaze us with his knowledge of new words, or the way his inquisitive mind works. Which in turn, leads us to wonder what the future will hold for Samuel. What will he be when he grows up? A pilot is top of the list at the moment (cheap holidays for us!).

So, whilst the sunflower seed continues to grow, we are also watching our very own acorn grow! Although, in our eyes, he's already a mighty oak!

This is a soppy Dad signing off on a Friday evening.


Thursday, March 03, 2011

World Book Day.

Yesterday I promised to tell you more about 'the outfit'. Well, here goes ...

Today is World Book Day. As a result at work, we were required to dress up as a character from a book. As we are teaching the kids about World War 2 and The Machine Gunners by Robert Westall, I came dressed as a soldier from WW2.

Here I am about to leave home for another hard day protecting the front line!

Not the most flattering image of me, but I'm sure over the course of time there'll be plenty more to make up for it.

Busy night ahead, bath for Samuel then off to Photography club.

But that's all after I finish last night's curry! After all, an army marches on it's stomach!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Well, after the hustle and bustle of the week so far, it was nice to get out of work a little earlier (I had to pick up an 'outfit', but more on this tomorrow!) .

As it was another gorgeous day, I decided I would take a stroll along the canal. With the sun just about to set, there was a lovely light and after a day at work, it was nice to get out and get some fresh air.

Wandering up the canal path gave me time to collect my thoughts and reflect on the day. Looking for inspiration for a photo, I saw this and knew that tonight I'd be writing about another meaning of reflection too!

The only downside of the walk was afterwards. Getting back into the (new) car, there was a very unpleasant smell (not unusual around me!). A quick look at the left foot revealed that some dog owner had not followed the 'Clean Up Your Mess' rule - leaving a nice target for me to hit!

Luckily, with the new car being an automatic, this meant that I could wrap my left shoe in a carrier bag, chuck it in the boot of car and drive home without hassle, or smell !

The offending shoe has now been cleaned and polished ... in fact I can see my reflection in it!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Home Comforts

Home. The heart of the family. A place of respite and solace.

As mentioned yesterday, very busy at work. Consequently, I did not get in until fairly late on tonight - feeling very tired.

So what better than to slip into some big, baggy, comfortable clothes (hooded top and tracky bottoms), before sitting down to a lovely home cooked meal of bangers and mash - with super thick gravy and veg! Lovely.

Believe it or not, today's photograph was going to be a bit more exciting than this - I have had some creative ideas today, but unfortunately I need to get some 'props' to set up the shot, AND, as a result of being in late, I bottled it and took the easy shot, of my tea!

Anyway, here's today pic .... on a related note, Samuel will like this picture. He loves sausages and finds the word SIZZLE hilarious!

I promise I will try and be a bit more creative tomorrow. In the meanwhile, enjoy my tea, I know I did!

Monday, February 28, 2011


Busy. Busy. Busy.

Wake up. Go to work. Get home. Work on and in the house. Finish that. Do more work. Go to bed.

A very busy day, with loads to do.

Still had time to inspire myself to take a picture though!

Anyway, must dash. (Work to do).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Working Together To Get The Job Done.

For those of you unfamiliar with Bob The Builder, (an English children's TV animated series), he always encourages people to work as a team in order to complete the task quicker.

Samuel watches and loves Bob and seems to have taken his advice to heart. He was very keen to help us this morning on our DIY around the home.
After helping empty a wardrobe, Samuel then asked to get involved with some painting.

As you can see, we are extremely brave parents - letting a 2year old loose with a paintbrush and a tin of white emulsion is not the norm! Samuel, however was very sensible and did a great job!

Afterwards we had a trip to the Barbers. Nothing major in that you say, BUT, the last time we took Samuel to get his hair cut was horrific - with lots of tears from Samuel, and a very upset Mammy & Daddy !

Today however was different, Samuel was a very big boy, getting his hair cut without incident. Afterwards, he seemed really pleased with his new 'super cool' haircut and was more than happy to pose for lots of photographs - my favourite 3 are included here, but there's lots more!!

Afterwards, Samuel was rewarded for his 'Barbershop Bravery' with a trip to the shop to buy some new crayons and colouring in books!

It's nearly the end of the weekend now, but still so many jobs to be done!

Hope you had a good one.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Early Start, Early Finish !

Following on from last night's post about the weekend being relaxing ....

By midday today, we had moved 3 sofas, washed the floor, defrosted the freezer and been awake for over 5 hours!!!! Pretty hectic! It seemed to be spreading too, as all of our neighbours seemed busy with DIY tasks, or sorting their houses out!

Luckily, the early start also meant we got to finish early. So, as you can see, this gave Samuel ample time to test drive the new sofa - I think he liked it!!

After a busy morning, we decided to spend the afternoon relaxing and met some friends for coffee and chat. The high street was very busy when we arrived at about 2.30pm. However, like us, by late afternoon, things were a lot quieter and more relaxed .... this street, which had been bustling earlier, was now deserted

Like I said, early start, early finish!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Coffee, Cake and Chillout.

I don't need to say much today.

It's Friday. The weekend has landed. A time for relaxation.

Samuel ordered this. Daddy ate it!

Happy Days.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

All Light ?

Photography, loosely translated, means to draw or write with light. The word comes from the ancient Greek words of photo (light) and graph (draw).

Moving on from the history lesson, today has been all about light! Weather-wise, the sun has been shining brightly all day. This in turn has led to everyone seeming much happier and having a spring in their step! Curtains have been drawn open wildly and windows opened to 'get some fresh air'. Being British, the main conversation has been focused around how nice it is outside.

In fact, today's image was going to include the sun or the sky. Driving home from work in a lovely light, I had visions of a shot of a blue, cloudless sky. Or a crocus emerging from the ground to announce the arrival of spring.

This would have happened had there not been a slight mix up with some company delivering a parcel ! This 'mix up' resulted in me spending too long on a (10p per minute) helpline, sorting out the problem. By the time we had resolved the situation (the company classing a Littlewoods Catalogue as a parcel, which I don't!), the lovely light had long since gone!

Which brings me on to today's image ... I have just spent a thoroughly enjoyable evening attending my local photography club. I'm attending for the same reasons I'm getting this blog going - to revitalise my love of photography.

Anyway, the subject of tonight's club was mono prints, or black and white photography. So, after arriving home, I set up and took this image - it's a now pretty dead rose, which was one of a dozen I gave to my wife on Valentine's Day. A quick conversion to black and white meant I had a story for tonight.

Ironically, as I am lying in bed writing this, my final act of the day will be to turn off the lights !

Sweet dreams !

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ever wanted to pour paint down your ears ?

That's exactly what I would like to do right now!

As I sit and type this, some alarm is blasting out. Not got a clue where it is coming from, but it is one continuous high pitch drone - and it's doing my head in!!!

The paint ... well, the last week or so has been a bit mental in our house. As a result of Samuel's ever growing toy collection, we have had a joiner in building a new cupboard. I could arguably have done it myself, but whether or not it would be standing this time next week, is a different matter!

*UPDATE** - alarm has just stopped, yet my ears are still ringing!

You can see some evidence of the new cupboard and the tools of our trade below!

On a related note, we're off to California in just over a month. San Fran to be precise, where apparently they never stop painting the Golden Gate Bridge !

That's a lot of paint to pour down your lugs!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I really should be doing some work! Instead, I am 're-familiarising' myself with the settings on blogger. This is typical of me.

Anyway, it's too late to be getting my camera out now (especially when I should be doing my work), so instead I am going to show you a picture I took at the weekend. This is my son, Samuel, aged 2 (but very nearly 3) doing what I'm planning on doing once I log off blogger and finish my work!

And on that note ...... goodnight.

What's this? And why now?

Well, here we go.

Many years ago, I started a blog. It was fun while it lasted, but like everything else, it had to end. Recently, I've had the urge to write, not to tell a story, but rather just to document and record events in my life. Maybe someday I will look back on this and laugh ... maybe it'll just go into the realms of cyberspace - but at least I've started it!

Another reason I want to start blogging, is to reignite my love of photography. It's been ages since I really got involved with the camera. So,what better way to challenge myself than to get out with the camera more and think about the images I am taking and pop them on here for the world to see ?

Anyway, thanks for starting this journey with me ... watch this space for some more instalments.